Abhyasa Residential Public School

Alumni Page

Alumni Page

Name of the Student Photograph Higher Education Details Achievements at Abhyasa Current Company / Business Current Designation / Ownership
Abhinand Gopal
Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning, Bachelor of Architecture Shakti House Captain 2006

Scholar of the Year 2005, although this was awarded only that...
Freelancer Freelancer
B.Tech in CSE -> Was good at everything and enjoyed my life to the full extent at Abhyasa!! Accenture Senior Consultant
Kranthi Kumar
MBA - HR and Marketing 2010-11: School Captain, 2 medals in National Athletics Meet, Individual Championship in Regional At... Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt.Ltd. Manager - Human Resources
MBA Prefect, Vice Captain, School Topper and Gold medalist in Class 10th Axis Capital Limited AVP
B.Sc.Visual Communication Represented the school at multiple Inter-School Music Competitions

Part of the School...
One Moto Electric Vehicles General Manager
Electrical engineering honours N/A Alerton Automation control engineer
PGDM, MICA - Ahmedabad Public Speaking Accolades - Intra School & Inter School, District Level including representing the s... Bytedance Brand Strategist
Anusha Bollakpally
MBA - Marketing & IT Vice Captian Girls - 2010- 2011
Basket Ball Nationals - Selected as Stand by 2010
Screen Magic Mobile Media Pvt. Ltd. Sales Operations Analyst
Masters Individual championship in athletics and school captain Student Student
Jai Hemrajani
None Lots of them, can't even recall anymore. BIllMe MD & CEO
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