Abhyasa Residential Public School

Alumni Page

Alumni Page

Name of the Student Photograph Higher Education Details Achievements at Abhyasa Current Company / Business Current Designation / Ownership
Devang Vyawahare
Tenth Participated in AP&TS regionals.(Swimmimg).
School A student
B.Tech(Mech) Quizzer; Dorm Leader Accenture Analyst
Piyush Etankar
B.tech in Electrical Engineering There are way to many to list out. Frankly can't even remember now. Astegic Sales Manager
Masters in Product & Services Design Face Painting - Gold & Silver (2013 & 2014)
High Jump - Gold (2013, 2014)
Basketball -...
PUMA SE Footwear Design Intern
Mahendar Bassi
Bachelor of Business Administration- Finance National Volleyball Player
Academic Manager
Bhagavan Reddy Boppidi
Bachelors of engineering Bunch of them ;) Wells Fargo Senior technology specialist
Bhavish Kathuri
Under Graduation Do not remember Psylogh Managing director
Laxmi Kumar Rachamalla
Sri Chaitanya Junior College I have been a campus deputy manager in class 9th
I have represented Abhyasa in AP regional Ath...
Infosys System Engineer
Preetam Rathod
MBA,B.TECH Silver medal in 5k racewalk at district level -N/A- -N/A-
Gattu Shiva Kumar
B. Tech Served as the deputy manager of mess .
Achived 3 times gold medal in yoga.
Played c...
Vasavi college of engineering Student
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